Volkswagen microbus

Missing the vintage Volkswagen van?

Well, good news. The Volkswagen microbus is now officially back and should be an excellent option to the van. What’s even more astounding would be the fact that VW is launching it as an electric model!

Check out more of the microbus here:






Fun in the box

Another interesting way we can improve brand experience through packaging design. Prior to this execution, Pizza Hut had a movie box concept which also taps on mobile technology. This had a really fun theme to it. The use of the 50s music themed together with the individual donut flavour makes it a rather interesting combination. Somehow the formula for a successful engagement is to combine different experiences into one and to create a fresh perspective to the brand. I think its a brilliant move by Krispy Kreme. Check out this video.


Read for me, please.

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Undeniably technology has slowly changed the way we live. Today, it can be said that humans are starting to rely on them to the extent where we are almost living on a lackadaisical routine. As cringing as it might be, technology does have its advantages especially if it could help to benefit physically impaired patients. Amazon’s new update for its Alexa digital gadget now incorporates a new smart speaker technology. The ‘Echo’ now narrates Kindle books and it can be activated simply by instructing the gadget with words like, “Alexa, read ‘book title'”.

This function immediately triggers Alexa to start the reading program. But do not expect real human reading with emotions but rather, a more robotic approach. Atop of the reading functions, it helps to track the books you were reading and also included smart voice commands like pause, go froward or resume. The complexity of the program is still in its infancy, so don’t expect it to be able to perform operations like jumping in between chapters within your Kindle book. Still, this can be a great help for people who wishes to listen rather than read. But truly, are we over relying on technology or are we really leveraging them to our greater convenience?


Nothing beats sharing happiness. Free booze is definitely one way to deliver that happiness. Check out this billboard from Carlsberg. As simple as one could imagine, it literally offers the public free booze! Bring your own and have it filled to the max! Certainly not the most exciting idea in certain restrictive countries, but for those that worked, the value of excitement is truly unimaginable. Its gonna get busy on the streets for sure!

Google Street View driving simulation

I think the idea of getting a car license meant you are keen to drive and would want to be a qualified driver. The truth is that most examinations would focus a lot on theory with unrealistic and dated visual simulations. This sprouts inaccuracy and hinders your understanding of actual live traffic conditions. Now that technology has gone beyond our expectations, we can pretty much rely on Google Street View to assist in the learning process. You get to simulate an environment where there is control over realistic traffic situations. This is just the right technology that helps to make real safe drivers.

Paintings that you can eat?

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The level of engagement depends on how immersive the brand wishes to communicate with their audience. Coming out with refreshing ideas has always been the constant challenge for brands seeking to break through the clutter. Looking at Danish brand, Castello, a cheese company in New York City creating impact in their brand marketing effort is simply astounding. Check out how they erect a museum in New York’s grand central station. They even elevate the experience further by introducing edible art pieces! Passer by can have a taste of their delicious cheese by reaching into the paintings! Not only does the experience intrigue both smell and taste, it is visually appeasing. Awesome.


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These popsicles are actually pretty impressive. Love the geometric designs. These are certainly not your average ice cream popsicles. Based in Berlin, Manu Kumar, an architect together with design Stefan Gendl have worked together to produce these lovely popsicles. I really love the polygonal shapes and the symmetric angles. Not forgetting it has a really cute stick with graphic on it. Nuna Popsicles.

Embrace art

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Design and art continues to inspire us in terms of the underlying message it carries. At times we seem to take it completely for granted. Tom Watkins Anders created these alluring visuals for Body Shop. Inspired by Brasil, the artist depict fascinating patterns in the form of circles, brilliantly merging Body Shop’s logo in them. What we see are beautiful illustrations of birds, leaves, humans and other elements forming this intricate design. Kudos to Tom for such quality art work.

Design with a purpose

To design with a purpose is something I often preach to my designers. Afterall, design is a solution and for that to manifest, there has got to be a purpose. Levis’ packaging for their Basics line has flaunt not just design, but the subtle intention behind those beautiful packagings. MAD Projects took on the challenge to create a special packaging for Levis’ undergarments, socks and clothing line. By instilling purpose behind each design, they were able to create something special for the 200, 300 and 400 series. Have a look at the pictures below. Pretty neat stuffs I would say. The 200 series boxes works as a match strike while the 300 series features a resealable packaging. Not only is 400 series design looking real swag, it is actually made of real wood paneling. How cool is that? I love packaging especially how designers can pack innovative ideas into them. Lastly, have a look at the Levi’s Basics socks which literally comes in a glass jar. Brilliant. Sustainability is the word.

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